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SEO Keywords | Understanding How SEO Keywords Work View Larger Image

Sep 20

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a big part of digital marketing that focuses on making a website show up better and higher in search results. A key thing in an SEO strategy is using the right words, which we call keywords. We’ll learn the basics of keywords in SEO, why they’re important, and how to use them to make your website do better in search engines.

What Are Keywords in SEO?

Keywords are words or phrases that show what a web page is about. They help connect what people search for with the content on a webpage. There are three main types of SEO keywords: broad match, exact match, and phrase match.

Broad Match Keywords: Casting a Wide Net

Broad match keywords are like a big fishing net for your website. They cover a wide variety of searches that people might type into search engines. This can be great because it helps more people find your webpage. However, it’s a bit like catching different types of fish in that net – some might be exactly what you want, but others might not be quite right. So, while broad match SEO keywords can cast a wide net to attract more visitors, keep in mind that not all of them will be looking for exactly what your webpage offers.

Exact Match Keywords: Hitting the Bullseye

Exact match keywords are like a laser pointer. They pinpoint exactly what people are searching for. When someone types in these keywords, your web page is a perfect match. This can be super helpful because it means the people who click on your page are very likely to find exactly what they’re looking for. It’s like hitting the bullseye in a game – you’re right on target. So, if you use exact match keywords, you’re aiming to attract a smaller group, but they’re the ones who are most likely to be interested in your webpage.

Phrase Match Keywords: Finding the Middle Ground

Phrase match keywords are like a mix between broad and exact. They cover a broader range than exact match keywords, but they’re more specific than broad ones. It’s like finding a middle ground between casting a wide net and hitting the bullseye. When you use phrase match keywords, you’re reaching out to people who are looking for something related to your webpage’s topic, even if they’re not using the exact same words. It’s like catching fish that are similar but not identical to what you’re aiming for. So, with phrase match keywords, you’re trying to strike a balance between attracting a larger audience and providing more relevant results.


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Getting the Most out of Your SEO Strategy

To use keywords well, you need to do good research. This means finding out what words people use when they search, thinking of words that fit your webpage, and using tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Moz’s Keyword Explorer.

Using Keywords on Your Webpage

Making your webpage show up better in search engines involves changing things on the page itself. This is an SEO strategy called on-page optimization. Placing keywords in the right spots is a big part of this.

You should use keywords in the title and description of your page, so people know what it’s about. Heading tags (like H1, H2, etc.) help organize your content and give you places to put keywords. Even the webpage’s web address (URL) can have keywords, which can help more people find your page and understand what it’s about.

But be careful, you don’t want to use keywords too much. If you use them too often, it might look strange, and search engines might not like it. It’s best to use keywords naturally, and not force them into your content.

Keywords Outside Your Webpage

There’s also stuff you can do outside your webpage to make it show up better. This is called off-page optimization. One important thing is getting links from other good websites to your webpage. These are like votes that tell search engines your webpage is important.

When you get these links, try to use keywords in the words that lead to your page (these are called anchor text). Don’t always use the exact same words, though. Using different words that mean the same thing is better.

Social media is another way to use keywords. You can put keywords in your profiles so people can find you easily. Sharing posts with keywords also helps more people see your content and makes search engines like your page more.

Long-Tail Keywords and What People Want

Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific phrases. They might not be searched for as much, but when they are, they’re more likely to bring people who really want what your page offers. This is because they match what people are really looking for.

Think of what people want in three ways: to learn stuff, to find a specific place, or to do something (like buy something). Make sure your keywords match what people want. This is called user intent.

Watch How Your Keywords Do

Magnifying glass over a digital screen

To see how well your keywords are doing, you need to keep an eye on them. Check where your page shows up in search results and how much traffic you get from search engines. Tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, or Moz can help you with this. If you see things changing, you might need to change how you use keywords.

SEO Keeps Changing

SEO doesn’t stay the same. It changes a lot. This can make your page do better or worse in search engines. So, always be ready to adjust what you’re doing with keywords and your webpage.


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