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Pest Control How To Get Rid Of Pests Without Using Toxic Chemicals

Feb 21

When ants march across your kitchen or flies buzz around your head, it’s time to call in the professionals. Local Exterminators Plantation eliminate pests and keep them from coming back, saving you time and money. Pests spread disease, destroy property and degrade crops, putting your health at risk. Mosquitoes, fleas, ticks and rodents can cause diseases including encephalitis, typhus, malaria, West Nile virus, dengue and the plague. In addition, their droppings and urine can contaminate food and water supplies, and they may chew or gnaw through wires which can lead to fires, explosions and hazardous chemical spills. Pests also eat and destroy plants, and pollute the environment by eating or leaving waste behind.

There are many different types of pests, and some can be controlled without using toxic chemicals. Good sanitation, proper watering and fertilizing, growing healthy plants that are resistant to pests, encouraging natural enemies (such as birds and lizards) and using barriers or traps to prevent their entry can all reduce the need for chemicals.

Other management practices include preventing pests from entering your home or building by making it less attractive, using repellents, or blocking their access to food, water and shelter. Some pests, such as flies and mosquitoes, can be controlled by removing or covering their breeding sites, while others, like rodents, can be prevented from gaining access to buildings through tight sealing and proper insulation.

Pests can be identified by examining your fields, landscapes, forests or structures to see which are infested and how severe the infestation is. By monitoring, you can predict when and how often to apply control methods.

Correct identification is important because it allows you to select the most effective control method and determine whether or not a pest should be tolerated, eradicated or suppressed. Some pests, such as certain plant diseases, are sporadic and do not need to be controlled under most circumstances. Other pests, such as weeds or some insect feeding damage, are only a problem under certain conditions and should be controlled.

Prevention is the best option for managing pests, and is accomplished through good sanitation, avoiding overcrowded or stressed plants, removing infested material promptly, encouraging competitive or resistant species, improving ventilation, mulching, irrigating adequately, cleaning utensils and containers before using them again, storing foods properly, selecting and using garden tools correctly, and planting pest-resistant varieties. Biological controls (such as sterilisation programmes) are also available for some pests.

Pesticides are sometimes necessary to manage pests, but only when all other options have been exhausted. Care must be taken to select the most appropriate product and to apply it according to the label instructions. Inappropriate use of pesticides can be harmful, contaminating soil, water and air, poisoning pets and children and damaging the environment.

It is much easier to prevent pests from invading your home than it is to exterminate them once they have established a foothold. Regular maintenance programs can be scheduled so that the problems do not build up and become out of control, causing expensive damage and creating health risks for your family.